Actress Um Jiwon “51kg for 20 years”...The secret Staying in Shape

[Celebrity Health] Um Jiwon's Tips for Staying in Shape

Actress Um Jiwon “51kg for 20 years”...The secret Staying in Shape
Actress Uhm Ji Won has revealed her secret to staying in shape. [source= Uhm Ji Won Instagram / YouTube channel 'Uhm Ji Won's UhmTube']
Actress Um Ji-won (46) Reveals Her Body Maintenance Secret

Recently, actress Um Ji-won shared on Instagram, “Played a round of golf with my mom in the morning and tennis with my niece in the afternoon,” along with several photos. In the photos, she is seen wearing tennis gear with a toned physique. Earlier, Um Ji-won referred to herself as a “20-year veteran of maintaining my body” and recently certified her weight at 51 kg.

Tennis is an aerobic and anaerobic exercise...builds strength, reduces body fat

Um Ji-won enjoys tennis, which is known for its significant cardiovascular benefits. It burns about 400–500 calories per hour due to the constant movement required on the court. This activity enhances cardiovascular endurance and improves blood circulation, contributing to fat loss and better heart health.

Swinging a racket engages both the upper and lower body muscles, aiding in core development. The quick movements and various actions in tennis also enhance flexibility and cognitive skills by stimulating the brain and nervous system.

If you experience elbow pain during exercise, stop immediately

Tennis often takes place under the sun, making proper nutrition crucial. In hot weather, it's essential to stay hydrated and consume vitamins and minerals. Exercising on an empty stomach can lead to dizziness or dehydration, so a light meal and plenty of fluids before exercise are recommended.

Excessive tennis can also lead to injuries. The repetitive swinging motion can cause lateral epicondylitis, commonly known as tennis elbow. This condition involves inflammation or tearing of the tendons from the elbow to the wrist, causing pain and discomfort. To prevent this, use a lighter racket and avoid excessive strain on the elbow. If pain occurs, stop playing immediately and apply ice or heat as needed. Persistent pain should be evaluated by a doctor.