Jung sia's secret to smooth skin...What foods is she avoiding?
[Celebrity Health] Actress Jung Sia's Skin Care Secrets
Recently, on the YouTube channel 'Trend Shopper', a video titled 'My Routine Play Actor Jung Sia's Honest 1000% Care Secrets Revealed!!' was uploaded. In the video, Jung Sia said, "I've never talked about this anywhere else, but to be honest about my skincare routine, I get laser treatments once a year and occasionally receive nourishing treatments." He added, "However, maintaining basic routines daily is crucial for sustaining the effects of these treatments. No matter how expensive the procedure, it won't last long if you don't stick to your basic routine."
The routine he disclosed focuses on hydration and reducing carbohydrates. Jung Sia said, "I set routines that I can stick to and practice consistently." He mentioned, "I regularly consume water, vegetables, and fruits, and minimize intake of unhealthy carbohydrates."
The importance of hydration in skincare... Aiding collagen synthesis, reducing waste and inflammation to inhibit aging
Hydration can be considered fundamental in skincare. Beyond quenching thirst, it enhances skin elasticity. Insufficient hydration hinders the proper production of collagen, which accounts for about 90% of the dermis layer. As a result, skin loses elasticity, becomes dry, and wrinkles more easily form.
Hydration also plays a role in eliminating waste, contributing to clearer skin. If internal waste cannot be expelled, it accumulates in the body, accelerating aging. Hydration aids in cell recovery, reduces internal inflammation, and inhibits aging itself. Insufficient Hydration increases internal inflammation, diminishing bodily regeneration abilities. As Jung Sia mentioned, hydration is crucial for maintaining the effectiveness of dermatological treatments.
Hydration should not only be considered when feeling thirsty but consumed regularly. It is better to develop a habit of drinking water than substituting it with coffee or other beverages. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 1.5-2L of fluid should be consumed daily. However, it is unnecessary to compulsively drink 2L of water daily. Adjusting water consumption according to daily dietary habits is sufficient, as food also contributes to hydration. Wise use of foods rich in hydration content, as Jung Sia does daily, is also recommended. Fruits and vegetables are rich in hydration, including vitamins and antioxidants that aid skin health. Instead of snacking on processed foods, it is better to increase fruit intake.
White rice and flour products such as refined carbohydrates... Accelerates acne and folliculitis
Care must be taken with the "not good for the body" carbohydrates Jung Sia mentioned. Carbohydrates are divided into refined and unrefined types. Multiple refined carbohydrates, such as white rice, flour products, and processed foods, are available. Excessive intake increases neutral fat and blood sugar levels, causing inflammation, obesity, and health issues. It also affects skin health. A diet rich in refined carbohydrates increases the metabolic glucose needed to synthesize the sebum factor IGF-1, promoting acne and folliculitis. According to domestic research, people with acne often consume refined carbohydrates such as hamburgers, donuts, and ramen.
Reducing refined carbohydrate consumption and focusing on unrefined carbohydrates in diet are essential for skin health. Unrefined carbohydrates maintain nutrients by preserving natural grains. Whole grains, such as brown rice and oats, are rich in dietary fiber. Unlike refined carbohydrates, they are beneficial to blood glucose health and inhibit aging, promoting skin health. It is essential to regularly consume green vegetables and fruits rich in vitamin C, promoting collagen synthesis. Various nutrients affect food, so evenly choose different foods.