Kim SaEun, 30 weeks pregnant, 49kg...full term, why no swelling?
[Celebrity Health] Former Musical Actress Kim Sa Eun Shares Tips for Bookkeeping During Pregnancy
On August 19, a video titled "Everyone asks me. The secret to not swelling up during pregnancy. How I managed swelling, blood sugar, and skin care from the beginning" was released on the YouTube channel ‘Shantokki’.
Kim Sa eun, who is nine months pregnant, mentioned that her belly is quite big now. She said, "People around me have been asking why I have so little swelling for someone who is nine months pregnant and how I managed it. Although I do have some swelling, it’s less than what you would expect for this stage."
Kim Sa eun explained that managing blood sugar was key to her lack of swelling. She said, "I worked hard to manage my blood sugar. If you get gestational diabetes, you have to deal with a lot of diet restrictions, so I started checking my blood sugar early on. I used a home blood sugar monitor and carefully tracked my levels before and after meals."
She also emphasized the importance of diet management. She mentioned that during pregnancy, cravings for fruit can be strong, but she limited her fruit intake. "Eating too much fruit raises blood sugar levels a lot, so I replaced them with a few pieces of watermelon or a sweet candy," she said.
Kim Sa eun's focus on blood sugar control is important to prevent gestational diabetes. Uncontrolled blood sugar during pregnancy can increase the risk of birth defects, large babies, and obesity, and can lead to complications during delivery. Therefore, managing blood sugar is crucial during pregnancy.
Fruits are beneficial due to their vitamins and minerals, but excessive intake can lead to weight gain or gestational diabetes. It's recommended to eat about 200 kcal of fruit daily, choose a variety of seasonal fruits, and prefer fresh fruit over juice or canned fruit.
In each stage of pregnancy, consuming the right types of fruit is important:
In early pregnancy, it is beneficial to eat fruits rich in folic acid to support fetal development. Fruits like strawberries, tomatoes, oranges, kiwi, melon, and chamoe (a type of Korean melon) are good choices.
In mid-pregnancy, when iron supplements may cause constipation, it’s helpful to choose fruits high in fiber. Apples, watermelon, peaches, bananas, and oranges are ideal. Combining bananas and peaches can aid in waste elimination.
In late pregnancy, as the baby's brain develops rapidly, it’s important to consume fruits that are low in calories but high in nutrients. Avocado, tomato, and citrus fruits are recommended. Additionally, vitamin C-rich fruits such as apples, strawberries, and oranges can help boost immunity as you approach delivery.
However, some fruits should be limited. Persimmons can interfere with iron absorption due to their tannin content, and overly cold fruits like pears and melons might lower body temperature, so they should be consumed in moderation.
In addition to diet, regular, low-intensity exercise such as walking, swimming, and Pilates can help maintain normal blood sugar levels and prevent gestational diabetes.