Kim WooBin Opens Up About His Battle With Nasopharyngeal Cancer

[Celeb Health] Actor Kim WooBin’s Fight Against Nasopharyngeal Cancer

Kim WooBin Opens Up About His Battle With Nasopharyngeal Cancer
Actor Kim WooBin shared his thoughts on his battle with nasopharyngeal cancer. [Source=Youtube channel ‘zzanbro’]
Actor Kim WooBin shared his thoughts on his battle with nasopharyngeal cancer during a recent appearance on the YouTube channel ‘zzanbro’ After being diagnosed in 2017, he was declared cancer-free in 2019.

Recalling his experience, Kim WooBin said, “I’m generally a positive person who tries to find the good in any situation.” He continued, “When I was suddenly told by the hospital that I might have only six months to live, I was shocked and scared. I wished it was a dream. Still, I never once thought, ‘What if I can’t overcome this?’”

Throughout his treatment, he kept his spirits up, stating, “After living a busy life for ten years, I thought perhaps this was time given to me by heaven.” He expressed gratitude for the support he received from fans, saying, “Because I was in the public eye, so many people cheered me on. I want to give back what I received to others.”

Signs and Symptoms of Nasopharyngeal Cancer

Nasopharyngeal cancer, which Kim WooBin battled, develops in the nasopharynx—the area just behind the nose and above the throat. It is a type of head and neck cancer.
The causes include genetic factors, viral infections, and chronic inflammation of the nose. The consumption of salted and preserved foods containing nitrosamines, as well as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from heated food, is also linked to this cancer.
If you notice a lump in your neck, experience blood-stained nasal discharge, or have persistent ear congestion after an ear infection, you should consider the possibility of nasopharyngeal cancer. Other symptoms may include hearing loss and prolonged nasal blockage. If the cancer progresses to the brain, it can cause neurological paralysis.

treatment for Nasopharyngeal cancer

Due to the sensitivity of the nasopharyngeal area, surgical treatment is challenging. However, nasopharyngeal cancer responds well to radiation therapy, which is the standard treatment. Early-stage cancers may be treated solely with radiation, while advanced cases typically require a combination of radiation and chemotherapy.
As with other cancers, early detection is crucial for nasopharyngeal cancer. If you experience prolonged nasal blockage or ear congestion, seek medical advice. Additionally, as certain viruses and dietary factors can contribute to the disease, maintaining good personal hygiene and consuming plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables is advisable for prevention.