Song SeungHeon loses weight for revealing scene…What he ate for 3 weeks?

[Celebrity Health] Actor Song SeungHeon's Diet

Song SeungHeon loses weight for revealing scene…What he ate for 3 weeks?
Song Seungheon revealed that he went on a diet, eating only nuts and water for his nude scene. [Photo: Song SeungHeon's social media].
Actor Song Seungheon Reveals He Did Extreme Dieting for His Movie Role.

On the 12th, actor Song Seungheon and actress Park Jihyun appeared on SBS PowerFM's Kim Youngchul's PowerFM to talk about their roles in the movie Hidden Face.

During the broadcast, DJ Kim Youngchul read a listener’s comment: "Song Seungheon, I heard that you endured an extreme diet for the bed scene and bathtub scene in Hidden Face, where you only rinsed your mouth with water and ate nuts for three weeks. After the shoot, what was the first meal you had after waiting so long?"

In response, Song Seungheon said, "I'm not usually someone who diets strictly, but during that time, I only ate nuts and drank water," adding, "After the shoot, I had tteokbokki (spicy rice cakes). The director had prepared it for me, and it was what I had been craving the most."

When asked if he ate with Park Jihyun, she replied, "But I think I wasn’t finished with my scenes when Song Seungheon’s filming ended. So, I didn’t get to eat with him," expressing her regret.

Nuts, a good choice for diet, can help prevent overeating

The food Song Seungheon chose for his diet was nuts, which are rich in healthy unsaturated fats, plant-based proteins, and fiber. These nutrients are beneficial for cardiovascular health, skin health, and anti-aging. Nuts are also known for providing a feeling of fullness, which can help prevent overeating. However, since they are high in fat, overeating can lead to weight gain.

According to a study by the University of South Australia, published in the Nutrition Research Reviews, adding a moderate amount of nuts to the diet can help with weight loss.

The research team conducted a study on 676 overweight or obese adults, providing them with a calorie-restricted diet ranging from 240 to 1,000 kcal per day. One group was also given 42-84 grams of nuts, such as almonds, peanuts, pistachios, and walnuts, daily, while the other group followed the restricted diet without nuts.

The study, which lasted from 4 weeks to 52 weeks, found that the group that consumed nuts daily lost 1.4-7.4 kg more than those who didn’t eat nuts. However, no additional benefits in terms of body composition or blood sugar control were found.

The study's lead researcher, Professor Alison M. Coates, explained, "Nuts are rich in healthy unsaturated fats, plant-based proteins, and fiber, which increase feelings of fullness and help reduce excessive calorie intake. They may also contribute to better cardiovascular and metabolic health, gut health, and improved cognitive function."

"One-food diets" can lead to yo-yo effects and health problems

Although nuts are healthy, relying on only one type of food for weight loss, such as in a "one-food diet," can be harmful to health. Such diets typically result in severely reduced calorie intake, which initially leads to fat loss, but eventually causes muscle loss and a decrease in basal metabolic rate (BMR).

When muscle mass decreases and BMR drops, the body becomes more prone to gaining weight. If the individual returns to their normal eating habits after the diet, the lowered BMR can result in faster weight gain than before.

Additionally, severely restricted food intake can trigger the body to go into "emergency mode," storing more of the food consumed as fat. This can lead to side effects such as constipation, dehydration, fatigue, headaches, nausea, and other health problems, including issues with blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol levels.

Therefore, for weight loss, it is important to balance a proper diet with exercise and aim for gradual weight loss. Reducing daily caloric intake by about 500 kcal can help achieve a weight loss of around 0.5 kg per week. The goal should be to lose about 10% of body weight over six months, aiming for a steady loss of 2-3 kg per month.