Choi Hwajeong Reveals ‘20-Minute’ Morning Routine for Weight Loss

[Celeb Health] Choi Hwajeong’s weight loss habit

Broadcaster Choi Hwajeong Reveals ‘20-Minute’ Morning Routine for Weight Loss
Choi Hwajeong revealed that taking a half bath for at least 20 minutes in the morning can help you lose weight. [Source=YouTube ‘Choi Hwajeong']
A korean Broadcaster Choi Hwajeong (63) revealed her weight loss secret. A video titled ‘Choi Hwajeong's Bathroom Items Revealed for the First Time’ was posted on her YouTube channel, showcasing her personally decorated bathroom.

She explained, "I spend a lot of time in the bathroom. I organize my tasks for the day and enjoy a cup of tea, which is really relaxing for me. I also read books while sipping tea. It's not about trying to be elegant; this is my morning routine. That's why this is my favorite space.“

She added, "Just taking a half bath every day can help you lose some weight. You need to do it for more than 20 minutes. But when you read a book, 20 minutes goes by quickly, and my body absorbs the benefits. In a public bath, 10 minutes can feel very long.“

Half bath to boost your metabolism and help you burn calories

A half bath involves soaking in warm water up to the navel or below the chest. This method healps with weight loss by raising body temperature and increasing metabolism. Research shows that an hour in a half bath can burn as many calories as a 30-minute walk.

Half bath also help relax muscles and improve blood circulation, reducing swelling. half bath before exercise can loosen muscles and decrease the risk of injury. Before going to bed, it can relax the body and promote deep sleep.

The ideal water temperature for a half-bath is slightly higher than body temperature, around 37-38°C. Initially, fill the bathtub about two-thirds full, and maintain the temperature by adding water as it cools. Using a bath cover is also effective in retaining heat.

What you need to know before a half bath

It is recommended to take a half bath for 20 to 30 minutes. If you feel dizzy or short of breath during the bath, stop immediately. Prolonged half bath can cause dehydration, so be careful.

People with varicose veins should avoid half bath. Varicose veins occur when calf valves fail, causing blood to pool in the veins. Soaking in hot water can make this condition by expanding the veins.

Additionally, people with low stamina who feel dizzy or fatigued after sweating may find half bath too strenuous. If you have a a broken skin barrier, you should also be careful. half bath can make the skin more sensitive.