Jay Park Avoided 3 Foods to Lose 10 Kilograms
[Celebrity Health] Singer Jay Park's Tips for Staying in Shape

On the 31st, a video interview with Jay Park was released on the Arena Homme Plus YouTube channel. In the video, Park discussed his approach to fitness, saying, "Consistency is key. When it comes to athleticism and muscle mass, exercise is the solution, but losing fat is almost 90% diet."
He went on to explain his dietary habits, stating, "I eat fewer carbs, avoid fried foods, and don’t drink soda. Just sticking to these three things helps you lose weight fast. Even while drinking alcohol, I lost nearly 10 kg," he added, surprising viewers.
Eating Refined Carbohydrates Can Lead to Weight Gain
Restricting carbohydrates, as Jay Park did, is a common practice for weight loss. Excessive consumption of refined carbs, like white rice and flour, can cause a rapid spike in blood sugar. To counter this, the body releases insulin, which not only lowers blood sugar but also stores excess sugar in fat cells, leading to weight gain.
However, it’s essential not to eliminate carbohydrates completely, as they are one of the three vital macronutrients alongside protein and fat. Carbohydrates supply energy for bodily functions, especially for the brain, so severe restriction can lead to fatigue and lethargy.
A daily intake of at least 100 grams of carbs is recommended to maintain health—roughly equivalent to slightly more than one-third of a bowl of rice. Park himself said he did not cut carbs entirely but reduced his intake.
The type of carbohydrates you consume also matters. Instead of refined carbs like white rice and bread, complex carbohydrates such as whole grains and whole-wheat options raise blood sugar more gradually, benefiting health. It’s advisable to reduce white rice intake and increase whole grain consumption, and avoid high-calorie fried foods and sugary sodas, as Park did.
Salads and Seafood Make Suitable Snacks During Dieting
If, like Jay Park, you frequently drink alcohol while dieting, choosing the right snacks is crucial. Consuming alcohol with carbs can cause more fat accumulation. Alcohol contains 7 kcal per gram, is calorie-dense, and provides little nutritional value, so it doesn’t trigger the body's satiety signals.
High-calorie snacks paired with alcohol can lead to excess calories being stored as fat. Opt for low-calorie, nutrient-rich snacks like seafood, chicken breast, or salad. Having a light meal before drinking can also help reduce alcohol and snack consumption.